14 July 2011

Being left out

Being left out..dah bese dah..terasa??ofkoslah..tp xnk memaksa bila dah x diingati..don't want to be a burden..better not to ask than being heartbroken by myself..there is one time..i talk to myself..if something bad happen to me, nobody will know except those who live with me

**Thank you 4 those who still remember this person

10 July 2011

Sama2lah kita beringat

Terdetik hati untuk buat entry pasal sesuatu yang kita sebagai umat Islam perlu peka.
Pasal apa ye?
Hah..pasal isu label atau jenama 'Carlsberg' yang ada pada baju atau t-shirt atau yang berkenaan dengannya. Aku rasa benda ni dah ramai orang sebut. Dah ramai orang cakap. Tapi ada lagi yang buat2 tak dengar. Mungkin ada yang pernah dengar, lihat, jeling tentang sepotong hadis yang bermaksud:

"Daripada Syabib, saya mendengar Anas bin Malik (atau: Anas meriwayatkan kepadaku), dia berkata: "Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam melaknat perihal arak kepada sepuluh orang; orang yang memerahnya, orang yang menyuruh memerahnya, orang yang meminta dibuatkan arak, orang yang membawanya, orang yang meminta dibawakan arak, orang yang menjualnya, orang yang meminta dibelikan arak, orang yang memberi minum arak. orang yang minta diminumkan arak, sehingga Baginda menghitung . sepuluh daripada jumlah ini, (Hadis riwayat Ibnu Majah).

Mungkin ada segelintir yang berkata ''Ala ape ade hal. Label je kot. Bukannye arak betul." Ini lah yang silapnya. Tau tak apa tujuan label arak tu ada kat baju? Takkan  tak tau lagi kot. Tentulah tujuannya nak mempromosi arak tersebut. Jadi sesiapa yang pakai baju yang ada label 'Carlsberg' contohnya, secara x langsung dia dah mempromosi arak tersebut. Sepatutnya kita sebagai umat Islam patut sedar dan malu atas perbuatan tersebut. 

Baru2 ni aku ada terbaca dan terlihat kat tabloid kat page belakang (bahagian sukan la kan.ape lagi). Satu kumpulan bola sepak ke futsal kalau tak silap. Dengan bangganya mereka tangkap gambar (masuk paper takkan x bangga kot). Tapi yang x berapa sedap nak tengok, jersey dorang ade label 'Carlsberg'. Aku yakin sebahagian player dia orang Melayu, Islam. Tulisan 'Carlsberg' tu memang jelas sebab besar kot. Aku tak taulah macam mana nak sedarkan umat Islam pasal benda yang dorang anggap remeh tapi sebenarnya boleh menyebabkan kita leka. 

Isu label 'Carlsberg' kat baju ni boleh juga dikaitkan dengan lambang salib yang ada kat baju. Setelah aku lihat (walaupun x teliti sangat), label atau jenama arak dan lambang salib ni banyak ada kat jersey. Antara sedar ataupun tidak, benda tu memang wujud. So kepada peminat2 bola sepak semua, kalau nak beli jersey tu, beringatlah. Tengok dulu ada apa2 yg mencurigakan tak. Kalau boleh elakkan beli jersey yang ada label/jenama arak dan ada lambang salib. Bukan suruh tak minat bola langsung (aku fan Chelsea), tapi fikir dan teliti dulu sebelum beli.

Sekian sahaja entry kali ini. Diharap kalau ada yang terbaca entry ni, beringatlah.

p/s: Jangan pulak cakap "mentang2 ko jadi ustazah skang, pandai lak ko bagi tazkirah". Benda ni memang takde kaitan ngan aku jadi ustazah. Ustazah tu title yang diguna kalau ngaja kat skola agama je. Sape2 pon boleh buat entry camni. Kadang2 kat sejadah pon ada tanda salib.

28 June 2011

New experience

It has been 7 days including today. I've been worked as an 'Ustazah' at Institut Iqra' Bestari. So how's the name? Is is an islamic school..not some kind of college or institute. Actually I've been asking my neighbour (which was also my former teacher), if there is any empty at her school but then the teacher who is suppose to deliver in the middle of June has not deliver yet (she might be suffering). On the other hand, my neighbour recommended me to work as an 'Ustazah' private Islamic school. I have to wait for the call. Finally, that Islamic school offered me to work there because they lack of teachers. I was asked to work there in the afternoon on Monday last week. It was a sudden action but when I thought about it, 'nah..it would be good because I don't have to teach on that day'. It was a shocked then because I need to teach as soon as I enter that school. Wah..why this is happening?? The Ustazah (cikgu besar) said because I was studied in 'Sekolah Agama'. 

1st day seems awkward because I don't really know how to start and I don't know the students. How 'good' the students are?? It was chaotic sometimes because I'm teaching Standard 2. Not all students be able to concentrate and most of them really like to ask. "Just answer them la..If not then just leave them alone with unsatisfied reaction..haha".
The next day and next day and next day, I'm starting to get the rhythm. Sometimes my tone is high and sometimes I don't really have the strength to push them. Just let them be..I'm also starting to recognize the students because I'm going to work there until the end of August. If I'm not able to recognize them, it will be a problem. After all, I'm teaching only 1 class. And now I think I can remember their names and faces. Only one or two students that seem hard to remember (dah x dtg cmne la aku nk igt). I more thing. I have to teach all subjects including Qiraati, Al-Quran, Feqah, Jawi, Akhlak, Tauhid, Khat, Arab n Hafazan. 

That is how my new experience started.

***Td baru je dpt gaji. Walaupun sket, duit gak kan???

09 February 2011

Kagum wa ngan lu

Wa kagum ngan lu r bro..sis..gile dasaaatttt la korg.

Nape ak kagum ngan korg?Ckp english cam air je. Laju je. Tak smpt ak nk tutup pili sblm banjir (agk hiperbola kot di situ). 

Present in english mmg power la. Da lme ak x rse kagum cmni. Last sem pon ade gak bro yg cmni.present gile lancar speaking. In the way yg org ley phm la. Diz sem ade 2 org yg cam baguih (mmg baguih). 

Mula2 dgq ampa present, mmg ak sgt t'pegun. xtau nk kata pa. Maveles. Mmg ley jd lecturer la. Walaupun dorg present tnpa henti, mslhnye skang ak phm pe dorg ckp. They use simple english. How I wish I can be like that.
English is my faveret subjek 4eva but I still can't speak fluently. I am so upset with my development. Kalo suro ak wat karangan ke ape in English konpem la ak ley wat (bkn nk belagak tp btol la kn). Tp kalo communicate dlm English, I'm a bit not good. I mean I can't speak English mcm air. Boley tu mmg boley but kdg2 lmbt reply. Mslh ni beb. How I wish when I wake up from sleep, I can speak fluent English. I do believe I can.

Afterall, I love English very much (since standrd 1 ok sbb pnh dpt 100 kot.hehe). Renung2kan dan selamat beramal.

p/s : Dosa besar tau sambut Valentine. Barangsiapa yg menyerupai sesuatu kaum itu, maka dia tergolong dalam kaum itu. Meaning is if u celebrate other than Muslim occasion, VALENTINE, HALLOWEEN n so on, u r in that religion. So do u want to be like that? Jgn jadi hamba yg KUFUR.

04 February 2011

Edit Mengedit

Aku sgt teruja tgk blog or website org laen yg sgt happening n vogue gitu. Jeles tu sket je..(xnk ngaku). Kalo ko suro aku edit gmba tu bole la kot tp x sehebat korg2 yg hebat2 tu. Sbnrnye aku xley nk edit template layout ni n bcoz of that aku gune custom pny layout. Gile b'zaman da layout2 ni. Bile buka kat design xde lak layout laen. Agak bengong di situ. 1 bende yg aku puas ati is banner Sevenelevenisme yg ade kat blog ni. Sumenye jasa Photoshop CS4. Dr tulisan smpai la ke kaler die aku wat. Walaupon cam bese je, tp yg penting simple n kemas. Aku x ske yg b'lebihan sbb nnt nmpk cam pelik je. Itula bende yg aku nk kekalkan kat blog ni. Psl layout ade gak cari kat tmpt laen n penah gak try. Pastu mcm susah sket nk g ke dashboard. 2 yg layout simple je. Boley gak edit die pny html tp aku x bpe pndai sgt. Pnt nk cari coding die. Walaupon aku blaja DATABASE n PROGRAMMING, itu x b'makna aku sgt terer ngan coding. Tau tp sgt terhad ok. Sbnrnye byk lg yg ak x wat kat blog ni n aku kurang RAJIN nk explore. Yela bknnye blogger yg TEGAR pon. Next time kalo BANYAK MASA, ley r usha2 pape yg patut. 
Br t'igt. 1 time tu ade gak usha 1 blog ni. Blog photographer. Haruslah mantooppp kn. Yg pntg aku suke tgk picca2 yg die edit. Fulamak..manyak cun woo..Teknik mengedit die mmg power la wa ckp lu. Die ley mekap muke org tu gune Photoshop smpai muke jd ala2 horror gitu. Dasssaaaattttt (x sabo nk tgk Raja Lawak mlm ni). Yeah yeah. Rasanye stop smpai cni dlu coz da MAGHRIB ni. Selamat solat kerana SOLAT ITU TIANG AGAMA.


01 February 2011

Kacau bilau

Suasana kat Mesir da kacau bilau. Camne la nasib rakyat M'sia kat sana. Aku x byk sgt baca psl cite kat Mesir ni tp dr member2 yg post kat fb, usaha nk bwk blk student kat sn mcm x tentu lg. Senang kata ade inisiatif tp lmbt sgt. Kat sana mmg da x tentu arah da. Nak kua pon takut. Bekalan mknn x cukup. Kedai lak byk yg x buka. Kalau buka pon harga barang die melambung tinggi. Ramai gak la member yg study kat Mesir. Hope dorg sume selamat & dpt sabar dgn dugaan yg Allah beri. 

Doa dipanjatkan agar sahabat2 di Mesir berada dalam keadaan yg selamat...

21 January 2011

Tears keep falling...

It should be on Tuesday but the tears just coming out today
For me, tears don't come out easily but for certain reason, it just do.
Somehow the reason is not as big as something terrible happen to me.
It is just because of the drama. So dramatic.

search from Google

The drama is called Hani. The drama was on Tuesday but I have class that day and I missed the drama. When I watch it online at Malaymoviesfull, it was so tragic. No wonder my tears keep coming out. At that time something came out from my mind. What if that situation happen to me? Brain Cancer. It is a big thing. Something that can change our life. When Hani went back home to see her siblings, I just couldn't stand it. It is so sad. Then she came to school. Met her friends. 
Ya Allah..Only you know the situation.

This is not the first time I cried when I watch dramas or movies. That drama (Hani) is so..I can't describe it. So for me I am not only crying because of drama but in reality I do cry. Although sometimes people don't know I cry because of them, I cry. Believe me. I may look cool outside which are not much talking, walk like there are no people in front, ignoring the nervousness. In the inside, I may have heartbroken (dlm hati ade taman).

So that's the end of story..

* saje tulis entry dlm english. nk improve english gamaknye